The Magical Melody Maker

e.g. "C" for one bar of C major, "Fm 2" for two bars of F minor. Use "dim" and "aug" for diminished or augmented chords.

e.g. "4/4 2" for two 4/4 bars and "3/4" for one 3/4 bar

A single number or a list of numbers between 0 and 1. If 0, all notes will match the given harmony. The closer to 1, the more harmonically distant notes will appear. If a list is provided, it will be stretched over the amount of bars using linear interpolation. E.g. "0, 1" indicates a transition from 0 to 1 over the full duration of the passage.

Works similar to Harmonic Distance. If 0, rhythms will be simpler and more likely on the beat. The closer to 1, the more notes off the beat will appear.

The Magical Melody Maker Version 1
Simon Bahr, 2025